Travis Scott

Concert Review: Thomas Rosenkranz at White Recital Hall

Original image by There Stands the Glass.

Everything you might care to know about my current state of mind is encapsulated by my steadfast commitment to attending Thomas Rosenkranz’s recital at White Recital Hall on Friday, October 20. (The recital streams here.)

The rare opportunity to hear a complete performance of Olivier Messiaen’s Vingt Regards sur l’Enfant-Jésus appealed to me more than attending concurrent concerts by Travis Scott or the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra.

Friends and loved ones declined to join me when upon learning they were being asked to endure two hours of challenging solo piano at the free concert presented by the UMKC Conservatory. The translated title of Messiaen’s work- Twenty Contemplations of the Infant Jésus- was a nonstarter for at least one person.

The piece is best experienced alone anyway. Upon selecting a seat allowing me to watch Rosenkranz’s frenetic fingering, I placed my phone on the floor and didn’t once turn around to check on the responses of the approximately 100 people in the auditorium.

Transfixed, my mind only wandered to consider how curious the composition must have seemed to listeners at its premiere in 1945. It still sounds otherworldly. Allusions range from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to George Gershwin. Messiaen also seems to have anticipated the innovations of Philip Glass and Cecil Taylor.

Yet musicological musings are a secondary consideration. During one segment I sensed the incomprehensible magnificence of God from a proximate vantage point I hadn’t previously experienced. Three days later, I’m still trembling.

Album Review: Travis Scott- Utopia

I refuse to renounce my abiding admiration for the music of Kanye West. He’s been canceled ten times over, but his personal missteps don’t invalidate the artistic quality of his discography.

West is undeniably the most important musician of the first two decades of the millennium. I relished the era in which each of his triumphant releases altered the direction of popular music.

Travis Scott’s reprehensible new album Utopia makes me miss West’s dominance all the more. Almost every passage on the 73-minute release references West’s art. 

Drawing inspiration from West is as commendable as it is inescapable for a mainstream rapper, but Utopia registers as shameless theft rather than loving homage.

Escape Plan

Original image by There Stands the Glass.

I grieve with the families and friends of the people killed at the Astroworld Festival.  But no, I don’t have a hot take based on my attendance at concerts like Travis Scott’s 2019 show at the Sprint Center.  Events with thousands of giddy teens tend to be a little dicey.  Experience allows me to know where to position myself to avoid danger.  Only two live music environments continue to frighten me.  I’ve long been afraid an incapacitated person will unintentionally take out my fragile knees at a rock festival.  And at outdoor country shows, I have to be on guard for the angry drunk men who are invariably offended by my ostensibly unmasculine presence.